Al-Quds Open University

The Creativity and Innovation Center at QOU concludes 21st Century Skills course Implemented within Improving Resilience and Job Creation for Youth Project.

Published on: 04-03-2024

 The Center for Creativity and Innovation at Al-Quds Open University organized a graduation ceremony for the graduates of the “21st Century Skills” course at Yatta branch. This activity was implemented as part of the project “Improving Resilience and Job Creation for Youth,” funded by the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) and implemented  in partnership with the Ministry of Labor.

Dr. Mahmoud Hawamdeh, the Director of the Center for Continuing Education and Community Service at QOU, praised the efforts of the Belgian Development Agency in planning and carrying out development projects that benefit both the students and the community while highlighting the significance of this training in molding the students' personalities and preparing them for the job market.

The training was conducted over five days in a series of training sessions. 91 male and female students from the Yatta branch benefited from the training, which was delivered on two tracks: the employment track and the resilience track. Through a variety of stations that start with self-awareness to explore one's skills and abilities, understand and control one's feelings, and other stations for personal skills, career readiness and entering the labor market, and work-related stations, the training aimed to provide students with twenty-first-century skills, and employment skills in order to advance and develop them within a comprehensive methodology. Each station contained a set of sub-objectives that the training seeks to achieve.

The students expressed their happiness for the chance to improve their academic and professional skills. They also emphasized how much they needed this opportunity because all professional and academic specializations require these skills.