The Academic Council

The Academic Council, which is headed by the Vice President for the Academic Affairs, is responsible for drafting the academic policy of the University, developing and assessing any issues related to the academic affairs.

The Council is responsible for many tasks such as, implementing laws and regulations for granting an academic degree, assessing academic programs and majors, ensuring high quality in the teaching process, supervising the design of textbooks, investigating in any matter related to the academic affairs, monitoring the publication of the annual university guide, submitting recommendations concerning organizing conferences and seminars, and many other important tasks.

The current members of the Academic Council are:

Prof. Husni Awad Vice President for Academic Affairs Chairman
Prof. Majdi Zamel Vice President Assistant for Academic Affairs Member
Prof. Jehad Batsh Vice President for Gazza Strip Affairs Member
Dr. Salamah Salem Dean of Student Affairs Member
Dr. Eng. Samer Jaloudi Dean of Faculty of Technology and Applied Sciences Member
Dr. Khalil Iriqat Dean of Admission, Registration and Examinations Member
Prof. Mohammed Shahin Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research Member
Dr. Zaher Hanani Dean of Faculty of Arts Member
Dr. Aida Bakir Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences Member
Dr. Abd Alrahman Alsilwadi Dean of Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences Member
Dr. Amid Bader Dean of Faculty of Social and Family Development Member
Dr. Khaled Hardan Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Member
Dr. Eng. Imad Hodali Dean of Faculty of Media Member
Dr. Noor Al-Ara' Salfit Branch Manager Member
Mr. Fathallah Jayyousi Director of Planning and Quality Dept. Member
Dr. Mohammad Abu Olbeh Academic Assistant/ Qalqilya Member
Ms. Randa Ghuneim Totah Director of Curricula and Textbooks Department Member
Prof. Jamal Ibrahim Director of Digital Learning Center Member
Dr. Mahmoud Hawamdeh Director of Continuing Education and Community Service Center Member
Eng. Imad Assaf Acting Director of Information and Communications Technology Center Member
Mr. Awad Meshal Director Public Relations And Media Department Member
Dr. Atef Al-Esoli Faculty Member- Member
Dr. Hatem Husain Faculty Member Member
Mr. Mohammad Kassab National Student Council Member