Al-Quds Open University

Graduates of Al-Quds Open University develop a smart traffic management system

Published on: 18-09-2019

 A group of graduates of Al-Quds Open University succeeded in developing an integrated automated system for organizing traffic in the Palestinian cities. The project was accomplished  within their graduatrion project and under the supervision of Dr. Yousef Sabah.

The University graduates: Ehab Hamdan, Yousef Salameh, Mohammed Fawaz Salmiya, Ahmad Al-Najjar, and Salah Badwan, in collaboration with Researchers: Nizar Barakat from the Ministry of Transportation and Jamil Shehadeh from the Palestinian Police Traffic Department. The project designers said that the project is a direct and comprehensive application of smart cities through utilizing “Internet of Things”.

The idea of the project stems from the urgent need to address the problems resulting from traffic congestion and the subsequent traffic violations, in light of the proliferation of vehicles and the insufficient infrastructure in Palestinian cities. Among the most important of these problems are recent serious road accidents and the resulting loss of life and private and public property.

The system consists of two basic parts: electronic part, which consists of sensors and controllers to monitor violations as they occur, and a computerized part and a database to record these violations. The system combines the physical and software components to enable it to issue instant electronic fines to the perpetrators, receiving them via a short message specifying the time, nature and amount of fine.

The project supervisor Dr. Yousef Sabbah, said that the system will be applied to a sample of violations in a sample of Palestinian cities, and then its efficiency shall be tested and measured through a field and technical survey to check its capacity to detect and monitor violations compared to the automated system, and its contribution in reducing traffic accidents.

Dr. Sabah pointed out that the project is one of the best projects in the Fourth National Forum for Excellence and Innovation held by the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence during the current year under the title: "The Fourth Industrial Revolution". The project is now a research project funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research within the research grant provided to Palestinian universities.