Al-Quds Open University

Al-Quds Open University and UNESCO Launch Two Workshops on Representation of Women in Media and Media and Information Literacy

Published on: 04-04-2022

 The Research Center at the Faculty of Media and the Center for Continuing Education at Al-Quds Open University organized two training workshops on "Representation of Women in Media and Media and Information Literacy", as part of a series of workshops organized by QOU in cooperation with UNESCO.

Students from the Palestinian partner universities: Birzeit, Arab American University, Al-Aqsa University, Palestine technical University “Khadouri”, and Hebron University, in addition to media students in the various branches of QOU, joined the workshop via "Zoom" technology.

Ms. Saeda Abu Halaweh led the two seminars, Dr. Maysa Shqair, an independent researcher, spoke about gender and gender-based violence, and Dr. Majed Turban from Al-Aqsa University provided broad concepts about media and information literacy, as well as citizenship values (concepts, components and pillars).